Exhibits, Graphic Design, Posters, Printmaking

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nprThe National Poster Retrospecticus is a traveling show of more than 300 hand-printed event posters from over 75 of the most prominent poster designers in the country. Produced by JP Boneyard, the first show was hosted by The Lincoln Arts Project in Boston, Mass., in May 2012. Based on the success and enthusiasm surrounding the event, the show is hitting the road in 2013. A number of my recent posters will be on display.

Here’s a listing of all the dates and locations the posters will be exhibited.

April 3, Select Design, Burlington, VT, April 6, 1975 Gallery, Rochester, NY

April 10, 5 E Gallery, Detroit, MI, April 13, Co Exhibitions, Minneapolis, MN

April 16, Mad Art Gallery, St. Louis, MO, May 3, Upstatement, Boston, MA

April 20, Gallery 5, Richmond, VA